Soil Testing Equipments

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Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)
Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)Touch Screen Control DeviceSoil Sensor and Cables6” Darts (4 pcs/set)Dart TemplateTemperature Probenl5032x001-p008
ASTM D7698 Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) The Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) is a portable and nuclear-free alternative device for determining the moisture and density content of compacted soils used in road beds and foundations directly in place. The testing involves placing the gauge on the mate ...Read more

Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) with GPS
NL 5032 X / 002

  • Description

ASTM D7698

Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)

The Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) is a portable and nuclear-free alternative device for determining the moisture and density content of compacted soils used in road beds and foundations directly in place. The testing involves placing the gauge on the material being tested, and the radioactive source emits gamma radiation which passes through the material and is detected by the sensor on the opposite side. The amount of radiation detected is proportional to the density of the material. By comparing the detected radiation to a calibration curve, the density of the material can be determined including the percentages of compaction, moisture, and wet & dry density.

Additionally, the gauge evaluates moisture content by analyzing the attenuation of gamma radiation caused by water presence. This comprehensive analysis ensures the quality and compaction of construction materials, crucial for the durability and performance of infrastructure projects.

The EDG is a portable, battery-powered instrument capable of being used anywhere without the concerns and regulations associated with nuclear safety. Its user-friendly, step-by-step menu guides the user through each step of the testing procedure and cautions the user when values do not correspond to established curves for the material being tested.

Features of Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)

  • Simultaneously measures both density and moisture content of compacted materials, providing comprehensive information in a single test by analyzing the attenuation of gamma radiation caused by water presence.

  • Designed for portability with battery-powered, allowing for its use anywhere without the need for external power sources.

  • Operates on a non-destructive testing principle.

  • Equipped with data logging features for recording and storing measurement data. 

  • Designed for user-friendly interface operation with step-by-step menus that guide users through the testing procedure ensuring that construction teams can easily integrate the EDG into their workflow. It also alerts users when values deviate from established curves for the tested material, ensuring accurate results.

  • Gamma Radiation Detection: Utilizing gamma radiation, the gauge measures the density of the material, providing accurate data for compaction assessment.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: The EDG provides a comprehensive analysis, including percentages of compaction, moisture content, and wet & dry density. This information is crucial for ensuring the quality and durability of construction projects.


Technical Specifications

 Model  NL 5032 X / 002
 Soil Compaction Range  Standard field compaction range
 Test Range Depth  30 cm
 Control Device  Compact steel case with touchscreen 
 Soil Sensor Probe  Internal Built-In
 Data Transfer  USB Port or Bluetooth (Optional)
 GPS Accuracy  3 meters
 Wet Density Range  Typical Compacted Earth Sites Range
 Dry Density Range  Within 3% of standard tests
 Moisture Content-Range  Typical Compacted Earth Sites Range
 Moisture Content Accuracy  Within 2 % of standard tests
 Operating Temperature  0 - 50 ˚C
 Ambient Operating Humidity  5 - 90 %, non-condensing
 Power  Li Ion Battery 12V, 2600mAh; 31 Wh
 Battery Life  Approx. 20 Hours
 Battery Charger  240V 50/60Hz
 Case Dimensions  420(L) x 330(W) x 220(H) mm
 Weight  5.5 kg

Unit Consist Of:

 Model Number  Description
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P001  Touch Screen Control Device
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P002  Dart Template
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P003  6” Darts (4 pcs/set)
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P004  Temperature Probe
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P005  Hammer
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P006  Soil Sensor and Cables
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P007  Solid Waterproof Carry Case
 NL 5032 X / 001 - P008  GPS Device

*1 copy of manual instruction


  1. ASTM D7698: This standard specifies procedures for determining the density and moisture content of compacted asphalt mixtures using a non-nuclear electrical density gauge (EDG).

  2. ASTM D1556: This standard outlines methods for determining the density of soil in place by the sand-cone method or the rubber-balloon method.

  3. ASTM D2167: ASTM D2167 provides procedures for laboratory compaction characteristics of soil using standard effort (12,400 ft-lb/ft³).

  4. ASTM 2937: This standard provides methods for the determination of the density of soil in place by the drive-cylinder method.

  5. ASTM 4564: ASTM 4564 specifies procedures for determining the in-place density and moisture content of soil and soil-aggregate using nuclear gauges.

  6. ASTM 6938: This standard details the procedures for field measurement of soil resistivity using the Wenner four-electrode method.

  7. ASTM D2216: ASTM D2216 covers the laboratory determination of water content (moisture content) of soil and rock using various methods, such as oven-drying and calcium carbide gas pressure.

  8. ASTM D4643: ASTM D4643 describes methods for measuring the moisture content of soil in place using a field moisture probe meter.

  9. ASTM D4744: This standard provides guidelines for the field classification of soils and rocks using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

  10. ASTM D4959: ASTM D4959 covers the measurement of soil texture by the hydrometer method.

Test Procedure of Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)

  • Equipment Setup: Ensure the EDG is in good working condition and calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions. Set up the EDG at the testing site.
  • Safety Precautions: Follow all safety protocols, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), especially if working with devices that use nuclear technology.
  • Calibration Check: Verify that the EDG is properly calibrated using calibration blocks or procedures specified by the manufacturer. Calibration ensures accurate measurements.
  • Selection of Testing Locations: Choose representative locations for testing that accurately reflect the compacted material. Take measurements at various points to assess uniformity.
  • Preparation of Test Surface: Ensure the surface of the compacted material is smooth and free from debris. The EDG sensor should make good contact with the material.
  • Sensor Placement: Place the EDG sensor on the prepared test surface. Some EDGs may have specific guidelines regarding sensor orientation and positioning.
  • Data Entry: Enter any required information into the EDG, such as project details, location identifiers, or test parameters.
  • Initiate Measurement: Activate the EDG to initiate the measurement process. Depending on the model, the device may automatically start collecting data.
  • Data Collection: Allow the EDG to collect data, including measurements of density and moisture content. The device may use nuclear radiation to measure density and may include additional sensors for moisture content.
  • Recording Readings: Record the readings displayed on the EDG. Note both the density and moisture content values.
  • Interpretation of Results: Interpret the results based on project specifications or applicable standards. Compare the obtained density and moisture content values to project requirements.

Product Video

How to Operate Electrical Density Gauge (EDG)

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