These frames offer solutions for various scenarios, with key distinctions revolving around column spacing, vertical daylight capacity, and structural design, all of which dictate the available room for accommodating specimens of varying sizes within the machine. Another critical aspect is the machine's configuration, which can be selected based on considerations of machine rigidity or practicality.
Primary characteristics: • Motorized or manually operated variants. • Incorporates a gauge load measurement system. • Equipped with a Digimatic Progress graphical display unit. • Features an Automatic Progress servo-controlled system. • Can be employed as a stand-alone frame or combined with another frame. • Offers the flexibility of two-point or center-point loading by simply repositioning the upper roller. • Utilizes graduated scales for convenient roller adjustments. • Boasts rollers that are hardened, case-hardened, and rectified for durability and precision.
Order A Compression Testing Machine
Each test can help business to better understand the performance and quality of materials, components, or products. This is an essential aspect of product design and development. With the results of a tensile, compression or flexural test, can better adapt, optimize or redesign a products.
With the advance features and capabalities, these machines are perfect for businesses of all size that need high-quality testing equipment for material and engineering tests.